Student FAQs

How do I apply for the scholarship?
RPS application forms are available from the Guidance Office in early November of your senior year. Please speak with Guidance Office staff for additional details.

Is there a minimum GPA or SAT requirement?                    
No. We are looking for students who have worked hard in high school, who are committed to working hard in college, and for whom this scholarship will be life-changing.

Who can apply?
You may apply if you are a senior at Fox Lane High School and your family’s household income meets the financial criteria of less than 200% of EOP and HEOP guidelines.

What do I include in my application?

  • Your high school transcript
  • A list of four-year colleges and universities to which you are applying, including one SUNY or CUNY and one reach school
  • Two letters of recommendation, one from your guidance counselor and one additional
  • Your college essay
  • Family financial information

What is the timeline for the application and the scholarship?
Applications are distributed in early November and are to be returned to the Guidance Office in mid-January. All applications are then confidentially reviewed by the RPS Selection Committee, made up of volunteer community members. Scholarship finalists are informed by late March and interviewed by the Selection Committee in early April. Students receiving scholarships are informed in mid-April before the college decision deadline.

Is the scholarship for one year or for all four years?
RPS is a four-year scholarship. A member of the the Scholarship Steering Committee will meet with you at the end of each academic year to review your progress and your financial aid package for the next year.

What is the amount of the scholarship?
There is no set scholarship amount. RPS awards are determined on a case by case basis to bridge the gap between the cost of the college you hope to attend and the financial aid package you receive.

How many scholarships are awarded each year?
The number of scholarships varies each year. It is determined by the amount of money available in the scholarship fund and the financial needs of the finalists.